We have some answers ...
We are located at 2305 Washington Ave, San Leandro, CA 94577, south of Marina Boulevard and north of San Leandro Boulevard.
We are about a mile from the San Leandro Bart Station.
Our Sunday Service starts at 10 am.
The Korean Evangelical Association of BAFC has a Korean service on Saturdays at 11:00 AM - 17464 Almond Road, Castro Valley, CA 94546. Contact Rev. You Jin Moon (510) 690 5713.
There is usually parking in the church parking lot if you arrive before 9:45 am. When that lot fills up, there is parking on the neighboring streets.
Families enjoy the first few songs before the sermon starts in the main sanctuary. Then, the children are dismissed to go to their respective Sunday School rooms. The room numbers are found in the Sunday Bulletin.
For those under three, one or both parents can watch the sermon while their children enjoy the nursery. As long as your children are quiet, they may remain in the sanctuary for the sermon.
There is a live broadcast in the nursery and in the front foyer.
Outside, children can enjoy the Principle Academy playground. Also, there is a table area for families to gather after service.
To find out more about our Children's Ministry including ages, drop off and pick up times and more, contact us.
The typical length of time for our church service is about an hour.
You may arrive before 10:00 to have time for meeting and greeting others. As you walk in, you are welcomed and handed the church bulletin.
The worship services begins at 10:00 with a time of praise and singing worship songs. The family can share in the first few songs together until the children are dismissed to Sunday School.
Then, we have a greeting which is a time when worshipers have a brief time for greeting the people directly around you.
There are baskets set up around the church for you to place your donations or tithes. If you need an envelop, you will find them in the pew pockets. (No collection baskets are passed around.)
The worship team leads us in a couple more songs and then we sit while a special musical song is offered.
A short video often preceeds the sermon. The purpose of the sermon is to give us instruction in the Word of God with the goal of making it applicable to our daily lives.
After the sermon, a prayer is offered and then we are given a short time to discuss the sermon with the person(s) next to us.
Often new visitors are welcomed and announcements are shared.
Our church service ends by reciting a short benediction together.
After service, you are welcomed to join us upstairs for fellowship and complimentary snacks or lunch and drinks (coffee, tea, juice). Often fundraisers sell meals or snacks as well.
On the way out, there are often tables with different ministries sharing what they are doing or announcing a program. Outside, there is a table of free food (bread, pastry, dairy products etc.) donated by the local supermarkets.
We have a number of ministries and we welcome new ministries by those who feel "called" in different areas. The best way to get involved is to talk to the leaders of the different ministries. If you have a particular ministry in mind, please contact us.
We have a variety of small groups and new groups based on interest are always forming. Some of the small groups we have had include; book clubs, marriage mentoring, youth sports, college club, wife's assoication, men's gatherings, blessing outreach, interfaith activities, women's group, scouting, martial arts, yoga, flower making, music, park play dates, hiking, video series discussion, business skill development, intergenerational meetings, prayer groups, etc. Contact us to share your interest and to find out what we can offer.
There are numerous ways to serve. We have an active connection to the city of Oakland for service projects. (Contact Markus Von Euw) There are ways to serve within the church as well such as; worship team, food distribution, meal prep, clean up, mentoring, discipleship, transportation, prayer, workshop helpers, care givers, educators, etc. Please contact us if you have a particular desire or passion to serve.