The Holy Marriage Blessing is an opportunity for couples to renew or begin their marriage relationship through a new commitment to live purposefully for the world and God.

Find True and Lasting Love with ‘The Blessed Life’


We could all use some enrichment in our marriage.


Over the past few years, the Blessed Family Ministry has been offering monthly Marriage Enrichment Webinars, presented by marriage professionals in our faith community. We’ve recorded all of our webinars and have now compiled them into this page, where you can watch more than 30 videos!  These videos can be enjoyed in a variety of ways: with your spouse, at church, or in a small group,


The Holy Marriage Blessing Ceremony is a celebration of the commitment of one man and one woman to love each other eternally and to create a strong marriage and empowered family.


This ideal takes effort and is a growing process. Discover real love and passion in your marriage.


Take the free 40-day Blessed Life Challenge


Whether you're preparing for marriage, looking for enrichment, or feeling your marriage needs healing, this challenge will be worth taking for your marriage.


See What Happens When You Prioritize Your Relationship For 6-Weeks.

Questions about the Holy Marriage Blessing and Family

Do you encourage marriage beyond religion, race, and nation?
What is the Marriage Blessing?
What does the Marriage Blessing Ceremony consist of?
What does the term "True Parents" mean? Why is it so important?
Can any married couple become "True Parents"?
Where can I sign up for the Holy Marriage Blessing?
What are "Blessed Children"?
What is a "Blessed Family"?
What is your view on homosexuality and same-sex marriage?
Why do you consider the family so important?
How do you protect young people from free sex?
Do you think the Marriage Blessing frees people from sin?

More Questions?

We would love to help answer them.